18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker for Mac OSX

Game Details:

Welcome to the 18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker game page. Feel free to check out the around 900 other games on this website! This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application. This page contains the game/port information, the “wrapper” and the instruction video how to get this game working on your Mac. All explained simple and step by step so every computer nerd can understand it. For OSX 10.9x Mavericks users in order to play the game, make sure to set the right security settings, or it will say the file is damaged or that the file is from an undefined developer.

Where to buy the Windows game?
As you already may have read, porting is about installing the Windows game into the wrapper in order to play it on your Mac. If you don’t own the game yet, I strongly advise you to buy 18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker on Gamersgate. I tested that version of the game in the wrapper and that one works for me. Other game versions then the Gamersgate version I have not tested so those cannot be guarenteed that it runs in the wrapper. So my advise to stick to the GamersGate version which you can buy using the link above.

Game description:
You ‘da Boss! Move it better and faster while staying alive.  Build your reputation and your empire in the far corners of the world as you haul across the most extreme conditions and loads. Grab the wheel and hop in – is your heart pounding yet?

Download the free Portingkit up here…

Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: NVIDIA 9400M graphics card, AMD Radeon 6770M
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Whats tested: Playing a while
Does Multiplayer work?: Not tested
Known Issues: None that i know of
Whats not tested: Intel graphical cards
Icon: Paul The Tall



[custom_frame_left]Extreme trucker mac screenshot 2[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]extreme trucker mac screenshot 3[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]Etxreme trucker mac screenshot 1[/custom_frame_left]

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