Risen 3 Titan Lords for Mac
On request! Risen 3 Titan Lords for Mac has been added to porting Kit. It needs some good specs to play it in high settings but...
Goliath Mac game
You like action with your self created robot? Then with Goliath Mac you are on the right place. I tested the game on my low-end Macbook...
Star Wars Dark Forces for Mac
On request: Star Wars Dark Forces for Mac! The game is available for Linux on GOG.com, so I added the game to Porting Kit so you...
Oddworld Strangers Wrath HD for Mac
It returned: Oddworld Strangers Wrath HD for Mac! The game was earlier added in the App strore, but now removed from there. After a notification + request to add...
SimCity 3000 Unlimited for Mac
Just released on GOG.com and now already in Porting Kit! SimCity 3000 Unlimited for Mac is now available for you to play on your Mac! Works...
Rage of Mages and Rage of Mages 2 for Mac
Two more games for today! Rage of Mages and Rage of Mages II: Necromancer, are added to Porting Kit! Both games are good old RPG...
Thunder Wolves for Mac
Thunder Wolves for Mac is an awesome helicopter action game with a fun story and nice characters. The game has loads of weapons, 9 helicopters and...
Saint Row 2 Mac
A very nice one for today! Saint Row 2 mac is now added to Porting Kit! This very popular Action game works on Mac now....Well at...
Silent Hunter IV for Mac
I am glad to announce that we added Silent Hunter IV for Mac now instead! The game works simply perfectly on Nvidia and AMD Radeon Mac's....
Advent Rising for Mac
Another awesome game is added to Porting Kit: Advent Rising for Mac! The game had a wrapper already, but now it is updated and added in...