Steam Chat en Store Fix getting implemented on Steam ports!
Great news! As you all may know now Windows XP is not supported anymore by Steam. Because of that the Windows version needed to be...
Might & Magic V – Tribes of the East wrapper update!
On many many request I finally found time to look into this port, and fixed the massive performance issue. The port is running in good...
Wrapper updates: Stronghold Crusader 2 and Trails in the Sky SC and Trails in the Sky the 3rd.
Here a quick post of a few not unimportant games. Both games have separate fixes. Stronghold Crusader 2 - Updated to latest Wine engine -...
Fight n Rage for Mac
You like beat-em ups like double dragon/Streetfighter?! Then I have great news for you guys/girls, because Fight n Rage for Mac has now been added to...
More Wrapper updates!
Some more wrapper updates, especially .exe mismatches. Thanks for letting us know! together we can keep this great app up-to-date for all game ports. If you...
Wrappers update: Prince of Persia Sands of Time and Warrior Within, now Intel IRIS/HD compatible!
Great news! With the latest development of Wine a bug which made it not possible to play Prince of Persia Sands of Time and Warrior...
Warcraft II for Mac
On many request, and released last week on Warcraft II for Mac! The first Warcraft: Warcraft: Orcs and Humans is already available for Mac on,...
Settlers 6 – Rise of an Empire for Mac
On many request, and finally it is here: Settlers 6 - Rise of an Empire for Mac! One of the latest Wine versions fixed one of the...