Porting Kit 4.0 public Beta 2 is out!
Edit 1-11-2020 ---> We managed to fix the advanced issue bug! We hear good sounds now that it is finally fixed. Please let us know...
Porting Kit 4.0 Public Beta Release!
Finally! after many months a completely revamped, build from scratch in Electron we present Porting Kit 4.0 public Beta release!! We will sum up the...
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 for Mac
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 has been Native for Mac up til Mojave. After that, it's not compatible does the tale ends there? No,...
The Bards Tale for Mac OS Catalina 10.15.x and above
The Bard's Tale has been Native for Mac up til Mojave. After that, it's not compatible does the tale ends there? No, the tale just...
Among us for Mac
On request! Among us has ported to Mac using Porting Kit. I made a Steam wrapper for this game while its a Steam game. I...
Crossover 20 released!
Great news! Crossover 20 is out! It has a lot of improvements (Wine 5,0) and even promises Directx11 support! This is something Porting Kit cannot...
Porting Kit 3.0 update + PK 4.0 Beta news!
A quick heads up regarding PK 3 and the the PK 4.0 Beta. Things are going fast and before you know it it's the end...
Rayman 2 now Catalina + Big Sur Compatible!
It seemed that Rayman 2 - The Great Escape was not Catalina + Big Sur compatible somehow. When you were on Catalina or Big Sur,...
Updated list tested games on Mac OS Big Sur 10.16
Updated list of tested games in Big Sur! Last week I managed to test 16 more games and are working in Big Sur! New games...
Konami Collection: Castlevania and Contra
As promised another Konami classic has been added to Porting Kit: Konami - Castlevania & Contra Collection! For this one also counts that the game...