Age of Empires 2 DE update (87863) breakes the game port!
Port is finally fixed and updated. Thanks for the waiting. Delete the old port and reinstall it again (will install the new engine). The game...
Origin (even after losing hope) has now a new workaround!
I already lost hope to be able to use Origin until CX23 would arrive, but Gcenx, found a way to even bypass the aggressive push...
40K Warhammer – Dawn of War Collection (GOG version) added to Porting Kit!
We already had the Steam version of the Master collection of Warhammer 40k Dawn of War, but since GOG, now also have this collection, we added...
Origin Client reached its end….
Yeah..we tried our best to extend the life a bit by turning off the automatic update in the Origin Client, but this worked until now....
Atlantic Fleet for Mac
Atlantic Fleet was years ago (before Mac OS 10.15) native for Mac. This changed when Mac OS became 64bit only. Support for that game was...
Doom 2 Enhanced for Mac added to Porting Kit!
On request! After we added Doom I recently to Porting Kit, Doom II enhanced to Porting Kit Doom II Enhanced to Porting as well. Developed...
Crusader Kings 2 port back in Porting Kit!
Good news for the Crusader Kings 2 fans! The producers dropped support for the game ages ago (up to Catalina Mac OS 10.15), and now...
Another Steam update breaks Steam client ports…(Resolved)
Should be resolved. ---------- A quick heads up. I know, I know...not again.... There has been a new Steam update which breaks the client in...
Airline Tycoon Deluxe back in Porting Kit!
There has been a Mac version of this game for quite a while, but support has been dropped for the game since Mac OS 10.15...
Age of Wonders 2 and Shadow Magic wrapper update!
For the Age of Wonders fans, here 2 wrapper updates: Age of Wonders - Shadow Magic and Age Of Wonders II! These golden oldies (low...