Age of Empires 2 for Mac OSX

Game Details:

Welcome to the “Age of Empires 2” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application.  Check also one of the other over 1000 game ports on this website! Check the homepage to search and for latest news! You can port games using Porting Kit (free), or the commercial (more professional software) Crossover or Parallels Desktop (a very easy to use Virtual Machine with Windows 11) both have a 14 day trial period. Feel free to use the application which fits you best or use a combination of the 3 apps.

Important Update!
The best and easy way to play Age of Empires 2, is using the Age of Empires 2 HD port or when you have a Medium/high-end Mac the Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition port. This version also supports multiplayer the best! Have fun!!

Game Description
Combining the features of hit games Dune II and Civilization, this strategy adventure proves to be one of the more challenging and graphically advanced we’ve seen in some time. We were floored by the program’s highly detailed graphics, based on an isometric, two-dimensional design, which presents a world of medieval warfare in which you can practically feel the gritty action. Even when compared to more contemporary graphics, the game’s soldiers and weapons, the program environment, and especially the interface elements will satisfy players. The interface is user-friendly and features plenty of options, including a great control system. Each of the 13 nations involved in Age of Empires II has its own strategic advantages over the others, and most units are put together on a “ro-sham-bo” strategy. The game includes historical scenarios as well as “skirmish” modes and multiplayer options. The game’s choice of music adds an appropriate tension to the gameplay, and in a nice touch, the warriors of different nations speak in their native languages.

Additional Port Information:
Whats tested: Playing campaign, loads of multiplayer games, standard games. In short everything
Known issues: None!
Whats not tested: Intel graphical cards



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