Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition for Mac

Yes Yes Yes! Now we are busy with the big titles, here another one… Age of Empires 3 – Definitive Edition for Mac. We have added the second DXVK supported game in history of Porting Kit and many more will follow from now on. Now the way is open to Directx10/11 games, a new era of goodness has been began! I tested  Age of Empires 3 – Definitive Edition also on Apple Silicon and there it works as well. The video below is also made from my Silicon M1 Mac Mini with 16GB. Check out the video tutorial and start the fun!

1. The game works only in Porting Kit 4 and not in Porting Kit 3. So if you have Porting Kit 3, then download Porting Kit 4 from the Porting Kit download page…
2. The AOE 3 Definitive edition is technical high demanding, 8GB Memory and 2GB vram, so it will not work with low-end Intel Iris or Intel HD. So High end Intel Macs and Silicon Macs only!

Basic Portingkit Install Instructions Steam games:
1. Get the cheap steam serial of Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition here from
2. Always read the “notes” of the game description first for additional steps!
3. Go to the library server tab and select the game you want to install and click “Install”
4. Portingkit will create the wrapper and locate your setup file in your download folder
5. The installation of the game will start, run through the install wizard.
6. Porting kit will say it has finished successfully.
7. Go to your local library tab and select the game and click “play”!
9. Login into the Windows Steam and activate the serial and download and play!!

Game description:
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition completes the celebration of one of the most beloved real-time strategy franchises in definitive form with enhanced features and modernized gameplay. Command mighty civilizations from across Europe and the Americas or jump to the battlefields of Asia in stunning 4K Ultra HD graphics and with a fully remastered soundtrack. Now featuring two new game modes: Historical Battles and The Art of War Challenge Missions, including all previously released expansions and all 14 civilizations, plus two brand new civilizations ? the Swedes and Inca.

Go to the Porting Kit game page up here…

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4 thoughts on “Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition for Mac

  1. I have installed aoe3 definitive edition on

    MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015)
    Processor 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7
    Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2 GB

    Your video hardware does not support DirectX 11 which is required for Age of Empires mac III DE

    Please help is my mac doesn’t support definitive edition? I am able to play aoe3 2007 edition.

  2. Hello, I installed this game via Porting Kit, signle player mode works perfect in my Intel iMac, but multiplayer mode still not working, I think if we can have a windows 10 winewrapper, multiplayer mode should work.

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