Albion for the Mac
It is the year 2227, and the gigantic interstellar factory ship, Toronto, cruises toward a lifeless planet endowed with a wealth of minerals. While studying the planet in his shuttlecraft, the pilot, Tom Driscoll, unavoidably crash lands. Against all expectations, he survives to discover his craft has landed in a world rich in flora and fauna, and inhabited by intelligent beings. How could the data on the planet of Albion have been so wrong? I tested Albion a bit in the Portingkit and it seems to work just fine on my Nvidia 64om iMac.
I made the port available as Crosstie and for the Portingkit. So for the basic instructions for the Portingkit installation go here… and to learn more about Crossover go here…
Get the file on the server tab of the Portingkit here… or if you use Crossover the Crosstie here…
Some gameplay of the game shown below.