Aura 2: The Sacred Rings for Mac!
Aura 2: The Sacred Rings for Mac! I ported Aura: Fate of Ages yesterday, and now you can also enjoy the sequel of the game. If you like games like RealMyst or Myst End of Ages? Then This game might be very interesting for you. Prepare yourself for an extraordinary journey like never before as you encounter the World of The Sacred Rings. This first-person point-and-click adventure is the sequel to Aura: Fate of the Ages. I played the game both on my Nvidia 640m iMac as on my Macbook air with Intel HD 4000 GFX card. On both systems it works brilliant.
Download the Portingkit and select the Aura game on the library –> server tab and download and install the game using the basic video tutorial of the Portingkit. Have fun!
Download the Portingkit up here…