Beta 2 of Crossover 21 released and what are the findings so far…
As mentioned earlier and some probably have heard by mail replies as well, I am very busy with testing the Beta of CX21 and reporting bugs to get solved. The CX21 will be the new engine we can use in the near future when released, including some extra patching to solve some extra stuff like the Origin Client. But you may wonder what we are experiencing thus far in the latest Beta release of Crossover 21. We will tell you in the next coming paragraphs.
M1 Apple Silicon Support:
Maybe one of the most important things is Apple Silicon Support for games. We found that this has been improved a lot. Games like, Skyrim SE (without too many glitches), Monkey Island 4, Dungeon Keeper 2, and many more where we don’t know off (because we cannot test thousands of games in such a short notice) are now starting to work. We see also big steps forwards in other games, like that it first in CX20 didn’t launch at all, but now it launches but has some slowness issues or crashes. But there is process, as you know what I mean.
More games which stopped working in Catalina are working again as well!
We have tremendous good news! A bunch of games which stopped working in Catalina 64bit. Start working again in CX21! An important Xaudio bug has been resolved, making a lot of Ubisoft games work again, like Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends, Assassin Creed 2, Assassin Creed revelations , Anno 2070 and more. These popular games suffered under this bug in Catalina 10.15 and up, but is now fixed in CX21.
But thats not all, also Steam bugs are solved and working better and faster (no big delays anymore) and more games are working better (like Tomb Raider 2 and Tombraider 4) including improved Directx11 support in 64bit games. Yes, a lot of joy is coming!
Still a lot to do:
Although we certainly won’t complain about CX21, there is still a lot to do. Especially for M1 Apple Silicon support we have a long road to go. It’s improving but we aren’t there yet. But we are happy to see Wine development is going the good way, also for M1 Apple Silicon. I will in the coming time do more videos (Porting Diaries) regarding M1 Apple silicon gaming, to show what is all possible already :)
We are now in the second beta, so I expect only a couple of weeks for the real release. Then we will add some extra patches which will have some better compatibility and then, on the end of the road there we hope to have also the Origin Client back in business again which means all the C&C games, and many others are back playable again in Porting Kit. In short, there are a lot of cool things happing and we hope to have this all in place in a month or so.
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