Burnout Paradise for Mac OSX
Game Details:
Welcome to the “Burnout Paradise” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application. This site contains over a 1000 game ports, so check the homepage for more games and news. Get the Porting Kit if you don’t have it yet up here… and let the Porting Kit do all the work for you.
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box is a very nice race game :) Really enjoying this one! Works fine on both AMD Radeon as on Nvidia systems. Really advised to use the Kinguin version (=Origin key) of the game. A good video card (512mb) is by the way recommended to get the best/most out of the game. Get Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box from Kinguin and use the serial to activate the game in Origin using the Portingkit.
Simple Install Instructions:
– Download Porting Kit (if you don’t have it already).
– Get the Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box serial (if you don’t have it already)
– On the Porting Kit library –> server tab search for Burnout Paradise
– Click “Install” and let Porting Kit install the Windows Origin.
– After successful installation login into Origin and add the serial
– Go to your preferences of Origin and turn off “ingame Origin” and “Automatically update the game” (select-box). If you don’t do that, the game will freeze at launch. So make sure this is turned off , also when playing any other game in Origin. Then click play to start (will ask to update, don’t do that).
– Download the game (Origin will crash at the end of installation)
– Login into origin again and launch the game! Yep thats it!
Game Description:
Welcome to Paradise City! Make action your middle name, as you control what happens when and where in Burnout™ Paradise! Immerse yourself in the open roads of Paradise City from the downtown streets through the hectic freeways to the sweeping mountain roads; the world is waiting to be explored! Slam, Shunt and Wreck opponents in cross-town race events, where YOU decide the fastest route to the finish line. Hit the jumps and find shortcuts, smash through barriers and get to the places that other racers can’t reach to get that competitive edge!
Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: NVIDIA 9400M graphics card, AMD Radeon 6770M, INTEL HD 4000
Whats tested: Playing a few levels, GamersGate version of the game
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Does Multiplayer work?: Not tested
Known Issues: Offline play only. Login into EA account keeps loading.
Whats not tested: Nothing
Latest Update: 15-8-2015
Icon: Paul The Tall