Ubisoft Connect client issues resolved and Ubisoft Game ports made available again!
Great news! Dean (aka Gcenx) made a fix for the Ubisoft connect game client which started a while back. This issue has now been addressed...
Ubisoft Connect client broken in Wine (again!)
Quick heads up. I have set the Ubisoft Connect sources (16 game ports) in maintenance mode (=not installable) because of another broken Ubisoft Connect game...
Some port maintenance finished and status report!
Here a quick heads up about the status of Porting Kit stuff. Well yesterday I finished some Steam/Origin/Ubisoft Connect maintenance. All these ports have now...
Ubisoft connect broken again…will be fixed in coming CX23 Engine!
A quick heads-up about Ubisoft Connect....it's broken again. That's the whole misery with game clients...they update them and then breaks them in Wine. Anyway, luckily...
Ubisoft Connect Broken again by client update….(Resolved!)
Update 1st of June 22:00 PM -> Issues are resolved with an update of the engine which includes a fix for the Ubisoft Connect Client....
Anno 1404 History Edition for Mac
Many people waited for this and we are also happy to inform: Anno 1404 History Edition for Mac has been added to Porting Kit. This...
Ubisoft Connect issue fixed with updated Engine!
A quick heads up. A month ago I mentioned an an older blog post, that there was an issue in the latest update of Ubisoft...
Ubisoft Connect Issue with their latest update + coming fix!
A quick heads up. In the latest update of Ubisoft connect, there seems to be a bug crashing the specific game you want to play...