Empire Earth Wrapper update + updated video!
The Empire Earth port seemed to have a few bugs through time, so here we are. Besides updating the port, I also thought let's make...
Video Crimzon Clover: World Ignition + Review
Here as promised, the video tutorial of Crimzon Clover: World Ignition. I will also do a little review of this game as well, just as...
New video tutorial for Blendimals, rFactor and Painkiller Black Edition!
There were some requests for more detailed instructions for some of the games, so I made a couple more Video Tutorials for 3 games: Blendimals, (the fun...
Unreal + Unreal Tournament Video update
Here another video update for the games Unreal and Unreal Tournament which includes an extra tweak instruction when the game is running too fast on...
Heroes Chronicles Video Tutorial!
As promised! Here the video tutorial of Heroes Chronicles: All Chapters to see the visual instructions how to play this game on your Mac including some...
Monkey Island 3 Video update!
As promised the new update of the Monkey Island 3 (Curse of Monkey Island) video tutorial. This video includes the updated install instructions to play...
Worms United Video Update!
As the previous post already mentioned. With this new Wrapper the install instructions are easier now, so here a small video tutorial including a bit...
New video Planetside 2!
As already mentioned earlier, the old video (of yesterday) of Planetside 2 had a volume issue. The voice of Ian was hardly to hear. That...