City Life 2008 for Mac OSX
Game Details:
Welcome to the “City Life 2008” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application.
This game is not available in the Porting Kit yet. Porting Kit is the new application which “ports” the game to your Mac. The video and download links in the slider are outdated and won’t work on OS X 10.11+. Fortunately there is way to fix/update it, install the game with the Porting Kit using this video instruction. Or when you use the Crossover application the Crosstie below (when available).
If you don’t own the game yet, I strongly advise you to buy City Life 2008 on Gamersgate. I tested that version of the game in the wrapper and that one works for me. The game is the predecessor of Cities XL, and a nice cheap alternative for that game.
Use this CrossTie to install the game in Crossover and start the fun! Make sure Crossover is installed before downloading/running the CrossTie.
Game description:
City Life is a next-generation City Builder. Its 3D game engine provides a level of detail and animation unprecedented in the City Builder genre and total freedom of construction. From superb villas in residential neighbourhoods to imposing skyscrapers in the financial district, design, construct and develop the city of your dreams. Provide comfort and satisfaction for your citizens by offering them work, health care, entertainment facilities, and much more and ensure that your city’s coffers are brimming. It’s up to you to manage this city efficiently, ensuring booming development while at the same time regulating the very delicate issues of pollution and traffic. Let peace reign between the six unique subcultures, or pay the price if the situation deteriorates into conflict, riots, and, in the worst-case scenario, fires.
Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: AMD Radeon 6770M, Nvidia 9400M
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Whats tested: Playing a while, GamersGate version of the game
Does Multiplayer work?: Not tested
Known Issues: None that i know of…
Whats not tested: Intel graphical cards
Technical Support: Crossover game forum