Crossover 19 has been official released and is Catalina compatible!
Yes! Great news! Crossover 19 has been released and available for the public, and it is Catalina ready! Thanks to one specific coder (Ken Thomas) Codeweavers managed to make 32-bit processes work in a 64-bit only environment. Which means you can still play your 32-bit games (which is 99% of the Porting Kit database) on your Mac! That’s awesome news. Besides that the Steam fix is included in their release, so you can also have your proper Steam client visible again! So if you can’t wait get Crossover, when you don’t have it yet. Porting Kit and Crossover are 2 applications which shouldn’t miss on your Mac :) If you already have Crossover, you can update/download it from your Crossover account.
About the Catalina support for Porting Kit. Now the source is available (yeah we have a good relation with Codeweavers), we can apply the 64-bit fix as well in Porting Kit. However, we are hands short with coders, and as you have read in the previous post, if you want Porting Kit to speed up in development and you have knowledge about programming, then please check the “requirements” on the mentioned blog post and help us to make Porting Kit a better app even more! The plan/hope, is to have a Catalina ready Porting Kit in begin next year.
If you can’t wait, get Crossover meanwhile. You need more info about Crossover? Check this page…