Dark Reign + Expansion for Mac
Tonight a GOG.com strategy game called: Dark Reign + Expansion for Mac. This golden oldie port works great, and I tested on my Intel Iris as on my low-end Mac. So Dark Reign fans can play this epic gem on their Macs again! This game contains 2 shortcuts, one to the main game and one to the Expansion. Happy gaming!
A colossal war between the Imperium and Freedom Guard is annihilating your world. To save your civilization, you must enter the heart of an empire at war. Command over 35 units with specific orders and deploy suicide bombers, hostage takers, saboteurs and more. Use precisely calculated battlegrounds to your strategic advantage and play against a highly responsive and unpredictable AI that detects and adjusts intelligently to your tactics. Vanquish the military powers to alter the destiny of a galaxy. The pack contains Dark Reign: The Future of War and its expansion, Dark Reign:The Rise of the Shadowhand.
The game works great in Crossover, so that program is advised to use. So if you haven’t Crossover yet, then get it up here and buy the program or if you want to test it first, for the 14 days trial.
Download the Porting Kit up here… or when you own Crossover, this Crosstie…
doesnt work for me. Get the following error: DirectDraw Video initialize failed on SetDisplayMode: DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMOD: The display is currently in an unsupported mode.
Using Macbook Air with M2 Chip and Sonoma 14.5
Tried with RDM setting my display at lower resolutions (800×600 and 1024X768). Didnt work either