Dark Void Zero for Mac!
Dark Void Zero is ported to Mac now! Dark Void Zero is a remake of Dark Void just as Retro City Rampage. Rise On! After 20 years, the legendary lost project “Dark Void” is back! To commemorate the game’s humble origins, Capcom has commissioned the recreation of the original 8-bit classic, now re-titled “Dark Void Zero”. In this critically acclaimed 8-bit de-make, you play as Rusty, warrior test-pilot and Nikola Tesla’s trusted friend. With the help of your state-of-the-art rocket pack, blast through three deliciously retro levels of baddies in your quest to close Portal X and save the human race! Played it for 30 minutes on my Macbook air with Intel HD GFX 4000 witout any issues. Have fun!
The game is now only 0,79 (80% off) on Gamersgate this week, so get it cheap now!
Before downloading the Wrapper, make sure security settings are set correctly when you have Mavericks OSX or higher. Then download and extract Wrapper below –> Get and download Dark Void Zero from Gamersgate.com –> double-click wrapper –> install windows software –> navigate to the Gamersgate setup file and double-click on it –> then the install wizard will appear –> install the game –> at the end of the installation set the DarkVoidZero.exe file as start exe file and click finish and double-click the Wrapper and activate the serial you have on your Gamersgate library and play! Have fun!
Download the Wrapper up here… or when you use Crossover the Crosstie up here…