Defense Technica for Mac OSX

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Game Details:

Defense Technica is a very nice tower defense game like Defense Grid. This game is also released for the Mac by the publisher, so no port is necessary for this one. You can buy the game on Gamersgate using the links mentioned here.

Defense Technica is the next evolution in hardcore tower defense strategy games. Protect the core from an onslaught of unrelenting biomechanical terrors with a powerful range of tower defense units – each with their own upgradable features and methods of attacks. Engage the opposition in a variety of maps and prepare to rapidly shift tactics as weather, enemy paths, and even the terrain itself physically changes upending the flow of the battlefield. Presented through sharp 3D visuals and backed by a soaring soundtrack, Defense Technica is the ultimate in strategic tower defense!



[custom_frame_left]defense technica mac screenshot 2[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]defense technica mac screenshot 3[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]defense technica mac screenshot 1[/custom_frame_left]

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