Earth 2150 for Mac OSX

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Game Details:

Welcome to the “Earth 2150” for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application.

This game is not available in the Porting Kit yet. Porting Kit is the new application which “ports” the game to your Mac. The video and download links in the slider are outdated and won’t work on OS X 10.11+. Fortunately there is way to fix/update it, install the game with the Porting Kit using this video instruction. Or when you use the Crossover application the Crosstie below (when available).

This very nice game is available on GamersGate (click cover below) and When using the version, click the on the link mentioned here, create an account using the signup in the top bar on the website and buy the game. You automatically get when creating an account 9 free GOG games (6 of them Mac games) added to your account so you have nothing to loose, only to receive.

Game description:
EARTH 2150: The 21st century was supposed to herald the dawn of a new age. The wars, famines and suffering of the last 20 millennia were to become a distant, fading memory, as scientific advances brought global peace and prosperity. The anticipated global conflict broke out with a violence that shook the planet to its core. The 20th-century dream for a better world had ended in death and destruction.

Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: AMD Radeon 6770M, Nvidia 9400M
Whats tested: Playing a level
Does Multiplayer work?: not tested
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Known Issues: in-game video clips won’t work, and don’t touch the “contruction center” button or it will crash the game.
Whats not tested: Intel graphical cards
icon: Esteban



[custom_frame_left]Earth 2150 screenshot3[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]Earth 2150 screenshot2[/custom_frame_left]

[custom_frame_left]Earth 2150 screenshot1[/custom_frame_left]

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