Ground Control 2 re-added to Porting Kit
Great news! We re-added Ground Control 2 after Support for Catalina has been dropped. You can play Ground Control 2 back in Porting Kit on Catalina 10.15.x and Big Sur 11.x. Tested it and works great :) Enjoy this classic!
We always recommend having besides Porting Kit also Crossover as alternative. Crossover is more advanced, supports DX11 and has phone support other features. Crossover makes Porting Kit possible and when purchasing Crossover using the links here you support us with out work with Porting Kit. Get it here…
Basic Portingkit Install Instructions GOG games:
1. Download Portingkit if you don’t have it already!
2. Download the Ground Control 2 “offline backup setup” file(s) into your (root) download folder.
3. Go to the library server tab and select the game you want to install and click “Install”
4. Portingkit will create the wrapper and locate your setup file in your download folder
5. The installation of the game will start, run through the install wizard.
6. After installation, exit the installer (don’t run launch the game).
7. Porting kit will say it has finished successfully.
8. Go to your local library tab and select the game and click “play”!
9. Enjoy the game!
Game description:
The year is now 2741 and you find yourself at the centre of a war between the Northern Star Alliance and the vicious Terran Empire. Having lost the war in space, the NSA retreats to their home world and forces the Terran Empire to engage in a savage war of attrition on the ground. At your disposal are huge combat dropships, battle-hardened infantry, armoured vehicles, powerful tanks and an assortment of air units.
Go to the Porting Kit game page up here…