Gun Metal for mac
Released not long ago on, and new added to Porting Kit: Gun Metal for Mac! The game runs very neat and is a very nice game in the way of kinda mech commander/transformers game style. You can change as mech commander to an airplane to do air battles or transform back in the middle of the fight. You are in charge! Tested the game on my Intel Macbook pro and works quite neat. Tested a couple of levels and I have to say it has some attraction to keep playing it :).
Basic Portingkit Install Instructions GOG games:
1. Download the Gun Metal “offline backup setup” file(s) into your download folder.
2. Always read the “notes” of the game description first for additional steps!
3. Go to the library server tab and select the game you want to install and click “Install”
4. Portingkit will create the wrapper and locate your setup file in your download folder
5. The installation of the game will start, run through the install wizard.
6. After installation, exit the installer (don’t run launch the game).
7. Porting kit will say it has finished successfully.
8. Go to your local library tab and select the game and click “play”!
9. Enjoy the game!
Game Description:
Gun Metal is a futuristic action-packed experience where you take control of the fully transformable prototype combat vehicle known as the Havoc Suit.
The Havoc Suit, a prototype combat vehicle, remains the only hope to save civilization from a tireless enemy. Standing 10 meters tall, with an arsenal of devastating weaponry and the ability to transform instantly into an agile jet, only this formidable battle machine has the potential to halt the invaders!
Go to the Porting Kit game page up here…
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does it work on apple silicon as well?