Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD + patch and Apple Silicon fix.
Aaand another cool M1 Apple Silicon fix for the game: Heroes of Might and Magic 3! Yes! It includes now the Heroes 3 HD+ patch! This patch fixes the issue for M1 Apple Silicon + some extra bonuses, because (I am not sure if it’s Mac OS Ventura) the sound works fine now without crashing the game!
So in short. If you love the features and have the game already installed, then delete the port and reinstall the port for the extra patch package!
Oh and because of the changes and extra install instructions, I made a new video tutorial which can be seen below and is also added in the game port video. Have fun!!
Great! Waiting for Quake 4 now :)
Hello, thank you so much for your work! It works now on M1 Mac, but I have this strange problem. The mouse pointer keeps changing from OS graphics to Heroes graphics (pointer to horse icon). This used to be a problem when you alt tabed, but now it just keeps doing it. Do you have any clue why and what might fix it? Thank you.
Thank you verymuch, works on Monterey.