Impossible Creatures for Mac

On high demand! Impossible Creatures for Mac! The game is also tested in Catalina OS 10.15.x. tested the first level for the most part with no issues. Runs quite smooth on my 2019 Macbook pro :) The version of Impossible Creatures for Mac works just fine when I tested it on Catalina, so that’s good news for Mac OS Catalina users. The game runs awesome and a real recommendation if you like strategy and a fun story. Enjoy!

Game description:
Set in a fantastic 1930s world, “Impossible Creatures” is a 3-D, real-time strategy game by Relic Entertainment the creators of Homeworld, Dawn of War and Company of Heroes that pits the player against an evil villain in a desperate campaign across a chain of remote and diverse islands. Using Earth’s most formidable animals as building blocks, the player must create an army of genetically-altered mutant monsters in a titanic struggle to protect an unsuspecting world.

For Catalina users: Make sure SIP is disabled and that the Porting Kit app is located in your Apps/Application folder. If you want SIP to be enabled, I strongly recommend Crossover for now for the time being

Basic Portingkit Install Instructions GOG games:
1. Make sure you have downloaded the Portingkit app or use Crossover.
2. Always read the “notes” of the game description first for additional steps!
3. Download the Impossible Creatures “offline backup setup” file into your (root) download folder.
4. Go to the library server tab and select the game you want to install and click “Install”
5. Porting Kit will create the wrapper and locate your setup file in your download folder
6. The installation of the game will start, run through the install wizard.
7. After installation, exit the installer (don’t run launch the game).
8. Porting kit will say it has finished successfully.
9. Go to your local library tab and select the game and click “play”!
10. Enjoy the game!

Go to the Impossible Creatures for Mac game page for more info up here…

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2 thoughts on “Impossible Creatures for Mac

  1. Thank you so much for doing this! Absolutely love this game and have been trying to get in on mac for years. I can get it to play off the download, but when I try to launch it from the porting kit it asks to install the wineskin and doesn’t work. Any help on that??

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