Mafia for Mac OSX

Game Details:

Welcome to the Mafia game page. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application. Check also one of the other over 1000 game ports on this website! Check the homepage to search and for latest news! You can port games using Porting Kit (free), or the commercial (more professional software) Crossover or Parallels Desktop (a very easy to use Virtual Machine with Windows 11) both have a 14 day trial period. Feel free to use the application which fits you best or use a combination of the 3 apps.

Install is simple:
1. Get Porting Kit if you don’t have it yet.
2. Then download the setup files from Mafia from GOG into your download folder.
3. Then in Porting Kit search the game on the library –> server tab and click install.
4. After installation of the game, “exit” the GOG installer.
5. Click “Play” to start the game! Have fun!

Alternatively there is also Parallels Desktop (a very easy to use Virtual Machine with Windows 11 (free trial of 14 days)) where the game will work fine as well. More info about that up here:

Game description:
It is 1930. Due to circumstances he couldn’t possibly have predicted, Tommy’s life as a cabdriver is about to be exchanged for a life in the Mafia. At first he continues his work as a driver and nothing could be better. He soon becomes good friends with his sidekicks Paulie and Sam, and although the work is sometimes risky, he earns more money than he did as a cabdriver. But as time goes on he is ordered to undertake more and more unpleasant jobs – and he starts to become disillusioned with the life he has chosen.

Additional Port Information:
Whats tested: Playing a few levels, freeplay, version of the game
Known Issues: None that i know of…
Whats not tested: Playing the game from start to end.
Icon: Paul The Tall

Instruction video Crossover

Porting Kit install tutorial



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