Metal Gear Solid released on + added in Porting Kit!
Awesome news!!! Yes I couldn’t believe it myself as well. Metal Gear Solid has reached the Shelves on!! Tonight I added the Source to Porting Kit and the day after tomorrow I will focus on Metal Gear 2 :) And yes yes, I will also look into the MSX version and to the other Konami collection of Contra and Castlevania. But first things first! Metal Gear Solid! Oh, I love the game and played it a lot in these days and in a matter of fact recently as well.
Update –> I added an extra exe for the VR missions as well now :) So after installation of the game you will see 2 icons: 1 for the main game and 1 for the VR missions.
And because the version was launched last friday, I added the source today as well + a brand new video tutorial! Yes thats right, and not just a normal video tutorial, no, a video with a a sneakpeak of Porting Kit 4.0 in Mac OS Big Sur 10.16! Yesseree, and you will love as much as I do. The beta is way close for release and only needs some finetuning before the beta will be released for the public!
Oh, and the game will of course work and install in Porting Kit 3.0 as well. Enjoy the game and enjoy the video and I have to say….get this game instanly on and start playing! :)