Might and Magic 6 + 7 + 8 fixed for Apple Silicon Macs!

Great news for the Might and Magic lovers! Because Might and Magic 6, Might and Magic 7 and Might and Magic 8 from GOG.com, now work on Apple Silicon Macbook pro’s! It took me some research, but I finally have all 3 of them running on my Apple Silicon Macbook Pro 2021!

Might and Magic 6:
This port was a pain in the ass because of a regression which makes it freeze when starting a game. Really frustrating that almost all efforts were in vain… However! I finally (almost gave up) found a unofficial patch, which seemed to fix the game in Wine and Porting Kit! So this patch is now added in the end of the port installation after the main GOG game install. So make sure you click “Exit” in the GOG installer and don’t click “Launch” because that would premature end the installation of the port!

Might and Magic 7:
This one wasn’t hard when you know you have to use the “Software 3D” rendering. However, the main exe of the port didn’t open the launcher (where you can choose it from), but the main game instead. So that was a matter of changing the main exe to the Might and Magic 7 launcher. Still, you have to select the “Software 3D” option when you launch it, so don’t forget when you gonna play it!

Might and Magic 8:
Same as Might and Magic 7. Make sure to select the “Software 3D” option when you launch the game!

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3 thoughts on “Might and Magic 6 + 7 + 8 fixed for Apple Silicon Macs!

  1. still cant play on my macbook air m1 for some reason it says windows couldnt find the file to open etc, it wont get passed creating the wineskin. man i miss these games, ggs

  2. I did everything as you wrote. The game opens. After clicking on the “new game” item. But the game freezes immediately, or allows you to take one step.

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