Some more news and Gwent fixed!
Ok, there is a lot going on at the moment considering High Sierra, so sorry for some days without blogposts. We found out that the open beta release of High Sierra 10.13 is a complete mess :P also for PK. So absolutely don’t update to High Sierra yet. It looks like thinks are fixed in 10.13.1 (beta). So at least wait for 10.13.1 and out green light to update.
Next to that we are working hard on an upgraded Wineskin which will be called Wineskin Navy. Which will be contain some important extras which is needed to fix for example killing the Pre-loader processes properly in the Winestaging engines and will through time be revamped and improved more and more fitting for Porting Kit.
Meanwhile we found a fix for Gwent (thanks for tip BTL) and updated the wrapper.
Go to the Gwent game page up here…