Rain World for Mac OSX
Game Details:
Welcome to the Rain World for Mac game page. This page contains information + tools how to port Rain World in a few very simple steps (which even a noob can understand) so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application. Check also one of the other over 1000 game ports on this website! Check the homepage to search and for latest news! You can port games using Porting Kit (free), or the commercial (more professional software) Crossover or Parallels Desktop (a very easy to use Virtual Machine with Windows 11) both have a 14 day trial period. Feel free to use the application which fits you best or use a combination of the 3 apps.
I recommend to buy the GOG.com version which is DRM free and works straight away out of the box. Click on the links mentioned here, create an account using the signup in the top bar on the GOG.com website and buy the game. You automatically get when creating an account 15 free GOG games (+ some dlc’s) added to your account so you have nothing to loose, only to receive!
Install is simple:
1. Get Porting Kit or Crossover if you don’t have it yet.
2. Then download the GOG.com setup files from Rain World from GOG.
3. Then for Crossover, simply download the Crosstie… and let Crossover do the work, or in Porting Kit search the game on the library –> server tab and click install.
4. After installation of the game, “exit” the GOG installer.
5. Click “Play” to start the game! Have fun!
Alternatively there is also Parallels Desktop (a very easy to use Virtual Machine with Windows 11 (free trial of 14 days)) where the game will work fine as well. More info about that up here: https://www.paulthetall.com/parallels-desktop/
Important Note:
After you launched the game and get into the game menu and click play, then skip the intro with “esc” or the game will crash because the intro will cause a graphical adapter out of memory crash. So make sure to press “esc” when when the intro launches. For the rest the game works just fine.
Game Description:
You are a slugcat. The world around you is full of danger, and you must face it – alone. Separated from your family in a devastating flood, you must hunt for food and shelter between terrifying torrential downpours that threaten to drown all life. Climb through the ruins of an ancient civilization, evade the jaws of vicious predators, and discover new lands teeming with strange creatures and buried mysteries. Find your family before death finds you!
Additional Port Information:
Graphical Cards Tested: Intel HD 5000 graphics card, Intel Iris Pro
OSX 10.7.5 and 10.8.2+ compatible?: yes
Whats tested: Playing a while
Does Multiplayer work?: Not available
Known Issues: Skip the intro with “esc” or the game will crash.
Technical support: Porting Kit FAQ
Whats not tested: Playing game from start to end.
Instruction video Crossover
Porting Kit install tutorial
On a M2 macobook air running ventura 13.1 and the game runs super slow, even after allocating tons of ram it still runs at a max of 20 fps. Any help would be appreciated!
No matter how many times I press the game crashes.
I hit play, start a new character, then I have a loading screen that takes ages, and then it crashes.
When you run into issues on your Mac, please contact me using the contact form. I will try to help you then.
does it work on any model of Mac?
how can i add the dlc to the game?
Porting Kit Rain World install doesn’t work! I installed it with all the listed instructions, but when the wine64 window opens and asks me to select where the part one .bin is, it:
– Only allows me to select folders, not individual files
– Thinks my Mac machine is a Windows computer, making all pathnames use Windows formatting
– A myriad of other annoying issues
I can’t get it to work, no matter what I do. If I use Porting Kit’s .exe selector instead of wine64’s, then it doesn’t work no matter which .exe I choose, be it part one or any of the other files GOG makes me download. Help!
I have the same issue as Frankie, cannot get the installer to see or select the bin file with all the game data so that it can complete the installation. Really frustrating as I have no idea how to fix it